domingo, 29 de octubre de 2017

Hola Frederik, have you heard about Simón Bolivar ?

              The BBC of London praises and chooses him |
                      Simón Bolívar was chosen like 
                  the most important man of century XIX

September 25, 2013

The BBC praises and selects Simon Bolivar as the most important man of the nineteenth century. 
"At only 47 years of age he fought 472 battles, being defeated only 6 times.

The European media also emphasized that El Libertador participated in 79 major battles, with the
great risk of dying in 25 of them.

He freed 6 nations, rode 123 thousand kilometers, more than those navigated by Colon and Vasco 
de Gama united.

He was Head of State of 5 nations.

He rode with the torch of freedom the linear distance of 6,500 kilometers, which is approximately
half a turn to Earth.

He traveled 10 times more than Hannibal, 3 times more than Napoleon, and double Alexander the

His ideas of Freedom were written in 92 proclamations and 2,632 letters.

The most incredible thing is that many of them were dictated simultaneously and in different 
languages ​​to different secretaries.

And the army that commanded NEVER CONQUEST ... only RELEASED ... "

This was the argument with which the London BBC chose the Liberator Simon Bolivar as the most
prominent American of the nineteenth century.

T / BBC Mundo / La Radio del Sur 

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